Special thanks to today’s guest author, Matt Patterson.
Matt is the education manager from Enable Education. He’s worked in education for the last seven years after starting a career programming solutions to STEM problems. He is a nanoengineering graduate from the University of Toronto, so he brings a technical background with some industry experience to STEM education. When he’s not creating awesome educational resources, he enjoys playing video games and reading science fiction and fantasy novels.
Did you hear the news? We recently released our brand-new TETRIX® PRIME EV3 Module. The module, with the rest of the EV3 Component Set, means you can take the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 system you already have and use it with our TETRIX® PRIME building system. Yes, it’s time to do more with metal. We’re talking complete compatibility! Plus, we also offer 45+ hours of hands-on, minds-on curriculum designed just for the middle school classroom. It advances the possibilities of two singular systems. Talk about more for your time and money!
We partnered with Enable Education to bring you this exclusive curriculum. It provides build skills and capabilities through unique tasks. Plus, we’ve provided the opportunity for students to extend their learning with the open-ended challenges. We asked members of the Enable team to share what MORE means when it comes to the TETRIX PRIME and EV3 Curriculum Pack. Shout-out to Matt Patterson, Enable education manager, for giving us an inside scoop on the development of this project and what it means for you and your students!
Students can build more and code more. They can learn more too!
Giving more and getting more extends further than PRIME and EV3 hardware. Our approach to designing curriculum involves multiple levels of guidance and challenge for students and strong support materials for teachers.
The Getting-Started Activities are guided to ensure that students have immediate success and are engaged and motivated from the very beginning. Students get a robot moving in the first activity so that they see the results of their effort.
Students can make the robot do exactly what they programmed it to do!
As students progress through the the Getting-Started Activities they are introduced to a range of complexity from motors to sensors to programming so that they can advance through new STEM concepts in a guided manner. These five activities explore building and programming concepts while keeping a familiar theme tied to an engineering or design obstacle that students need to overcome. Students implement different ways for a robot to solve the problem by utilizing various components in the combined kit. With an obstacle in their way, students learn to go around it, go through it, push it out of the way, and even lift up and drive over it. And at the end of each activity, extensions ideas give teachers jumping-off points for additional activities and differentiated instruction.
A series of five Complete Activities provides next steps to learning and more opportunities to dive deeper into the concepts. These activities are more challenging than the Getting-Started Activities and allow students to try out their own solutions. Using what they’ve learned in the Getting-Started Activities with starting points for programs, students design their own final solution. The complete solutions are provided to teachers with documentation in the code to explain exactly what’s happening.
The Complete Activities are provided in a modular way. This means more flexibility for teachers as they implement in their classrooms. Activities can be chosen or arranged based on their theme and real-world ties to classroom programming or can be based on their complexity and balance between building and programming.
Students can activate their curiosity and engage their STEM skills!
Finally, three Open-Ended Challenges highlight real-world engineering problems and ask students to solve an analogue of them. Activities include a structured challenge for students to explore and define the problem as they see it and then design and implement a solution.
Throughout all the activities, teacher-facing materials provide insight, solutions, and extension ideas, allowing the teacher to support students who need more help and those students who need more challenge.
Get more from your investment!
The TETRIX PRIME and EV3 Curriculum Pack delivers more educational value from the combined metal and plastic components. More robots, more engineering, more coding, more learning, and ultimately more fun!
So, let’s do this.
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